Felt Workshops

Felt cup cake picture

Introduction to felt making - ½ day workshop

Felt making is great fun and by the end of this relaxed ½ day workshop you’ll be going home with your own handmade creation to impress.

We'll start with a demonstration to help you decide what you'd like to make. I'll then guide you felting merino wool using water, soap and elbow grease! With a large range of colours to choose from, the design is up to you - but I will have some samples for inspiration. Previously workshop felters have made tea cosies, felt baskets and felted pictures.

As well as this wet felting, you'll also get an opportunity to try a second technique of needle felting to embellish and add detail to your design.

To find out more contact me via email, facebook or my contact page

Wet felting course
Felt flower decoration made in Red Cat Hadmade felt workshop
Felt workshop by Red Cat Handmade